Collection: Crystal Macrame Necklaces & Talismans

Intuitively and intentionally selected Crystals, handcrafted into beautifully woven Bohemian Talismans, Necklaces and other Jewellery.  These enchanting creations bring metaphysical energy and positive support to your day. 

Your chosen necklace will arrive in a hand-made, safe-keeping pouch created from beautiful, authentic Sari fabric, and accompanied by Selenite & Citrine for energetic cleansing. 

Your chosen bracelet, anklet and earrings will arrive in a sweet organza pouch for safekeeping, accompanied by Selenite for energetic cleansing. 

If you are unsure what you are seeking, please contact me and we can talk through your needs, or chat to me about intuitively created sets to cover all daily needs!