Collection: Quartz Varieties & Specimens

I love Quartz.  Is there such a thing as a Quartzophile!  

As a self-professed Quartz addict, my personal collection embraces a large variety of Quartz crystals from different locations and with interesting markings, striations, etchings, injuries and healing, colourings, faces, and clustering.  And it is my favourite specimen to search for!

Quartz fascinates me, with it's different varieties, forms, and many varied inclusions.  It is a crystal that is NEVER uninteresting.

I do admit to having a special soft spot for self-healed specimens - You know the ones, they have been through trauma, reinventing themselves, showing us that we all possess  that that inner strength to heal after hurt and emotional harm.

Like all my specimens, I do my very best to ensure they are ethically sourced.